Water Sensitive Perth | City of Perth
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Water Sensitive Perth

A water sensitive city is a waterwise city that recognises the integral part water plays in our lives - it sustains our lives, our biodiversity and ecosystems and it contributes to our city’s liveability, the amenity of our neighbourhoods and our health and wellbeing. We use it in our buildings and urban areas and to water our parks and our gardens; we access it in our natural land natural landscapes like the river and wetlands; it sustains plant and animal life and we manage it as a resource to be conserved and to identify opportunities for recovery and reuse.

As our city changes with population set to grow and climate change impacts, such as declining rainfall and increased temperatures, the City recognises water’s role in:

  • supporting cool, green and healthy cities (liveable)
  • balancing the water needs of people, landscapes, natural environment and built environment (sustainable)
  • supporting employment and commercial activity, managing climate risks, ensuring equitable access to water services, supporting commercial and recreational opportunities on the river and enabling innovation (prosperous).

The City is an endorsed “Gold Waterwise Council” and has been a participant in the Water Corporation and Department of Water and Environmental Regulation’s waterwise council program since 2009. With summer coming up, now is the time to check out the Water Corporation’s waterwise offers.

Don’t have a garden? Check out the City’s micro-greening guide – discover all sorts of places for small-scale planting for apartment balconies, interior spaces, small private backyards, shop fronts or alleyways.


Check out these waterwise offers

Download our Micro Greening Guide