Parking infringements, Payments & Appeals | City of Perth
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Parking Infringements

To pay City of Perth parking fines online, please use the Parking Infringement Payment form. In certain circumstances the City is prepared to assess an infringement once it has been issued. Together with suitable proof, certain situations will be considered for withdrawal, however this is not guaranteed.


Please note that infringements are not added to the payments system until the next business day after they have been issued. If you have recently received an infringement and are having difficulties paying online or over the phone, please try again the following business day after 10am.


You can view details of your infringement here.


You can appeal your infringement here.

Key Details

Service TypeParking and registration
What you needParking infringement details (including your parking infringement number and vehicle registration number) and complete the Parking Infringement Payment form.
  • How to appeal a parking infringement?

    Complete the online Parking Infringement Appeal form via the City of Perth website.

    By post
    City of Perth
    GPO Box C120
    Perth WA 6839

    In person
    Council House: Ground Floor, 27 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm (excluding public holidays). 

    Phone enquiries – please note:

    • Appeals must be made in writing (appeals by telephone are not accepted).
    • Phone enquiries can be made between 8.30am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) on 1300 366 461.

  • What payment methods can I use?

    In person

    Council House: Ground Floor, 27 St Georges Terrace, Perth. Cashier hours are Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm (excluding public holidays). Payments can be made by cash, cheque, EFTPOS or credit card (Mastercard or Visa only).

    By post

    City of Perth
    GPO Box C120
    Perth WA 6839

    Cheque or money order payments are to be made payable to the 'City of Perth' and crossed 'Not negotiable'.

    Credit card

    By using our Online Payment Form, or via telephone 1300 366 563

    At an Australia Post Office

    Payment is to be made before the due date on the infringement. You will need your bar coded infringement or reminder noticed to pay the infringement. Late payments cannot be accepted.

  • Nominate another driver

    Under s9.13 of the Local Government Act 1995 vehicle owner information may be disclosed from relevant state authorities for the purpose of enforcing the City of Perth Parking Local Law 2017, Thoroughfares and Public Places Local Law 2017 and the Local Government (Parking for People with Disabilities) Regulations 2014.


    Nominations can only be accepted by the registered owner of the vehicle, or, if the vehicle is registered in a company name, by a representative of that company.

    Complete the online Nominate Another Driver form.

  • Why does the City of Perth issue parking infringements?

    Parking spaces in the City of Perth are limited. The City has the responsibility of ensuring all visitors and residents have equal access to parking. To do this, parking areas both on the street and in car parks have been designed to provide for people's varying needs. This includes parking bays for:

    • Short term parking (for example, to drop off a document or pick someone up).
    • Long term use (people who work in the City all day or who want to shop for an extended period).
    • Use by disabled people (those with valid ACROD permits).
    • Use by motorcyclists, bus drivers and taxis.
    • Use by commercial and delivery vehicles supplying local businesses.

    Signs have been erected to advise motorists of the intended use of parking spaces and any restrictions that apply. It is up to drivers to read the signs and comply with their requirements when parking in the city.

    Drivers who park incorrectly or illegally make it difficult for others may receive an infringement, a caution or the matter may be taken directly to the Magistrates Court. Ideally, the City would not like to see anyone park contrary to these restrictions and not have to issue infringements at all.

  • What can I do to avoid receiving a parking infringement?

    As stated, the needs of all drivers wishing to park in the city have been considered. Think about your needs and find a suitable parking space to meet them. You should be able to avoid a parking infringement if you:

    • Park your vehicle in an appropriate place. Why not plan ahead to save some time. The City of Perth website can assist or telephone 1300 889 613.
    • Make sure you take the time to read the parking signs.
    • Make sure there is enough time for you to do what you need to do and return to your vehicle before your parking expires.
    • Ensure you have parked your vehicle within the lines or area permitted.
    • Ensure your valid parking ticket is clearly displayed before leaving your vehicle.
    • Ensure your valid parking permit is clearly displayed before leaving your vehicle.

    If you are unsure whether you are allowed to park in an area or not then don’t. Find somewhere that you know is appropriate for your needs.

  • Reasons appeals will generally not be considered

    You lost track of time

    Drivers must ensure they park in a place that provides enough time for their requirements. This includes budgeting time for a doctor’s appointment, hairdresser, job interview, court date or other activity. Some of these activities take longer than an hour or two, so parking in a short term bay is not appropriate.

    You did not see/understand the sign or did not know parking restrictions applied

    It is the drivers responsibility to look for parking signs to ascertain parking restrictions and if parking is permitted in the area they intended to leave their vehicle. Australian Standards are used as a guide only by the City to determine signage requirements. The City of Perth strives to comply with Australian Standards. However, it is not always reasonably possible to comply with the guidelines all the time.

    You left your permit in another car

    The driver of a vehicle must have their permit in their possession to park in a restricted area. If you do not have your permit on you, you need to find somewhere else to park.

    Your ticket or permit had fallen out of sight or flipped upside down

    It is the drivers responsibility to ensure tickets and permits are displayed correctly prior to leaving their vehicle.

    You thought you were allowed to park in a restricted area

    Only authorised vehicles can park in loading zones, taxi stands, disabled bays and charter bus bays.

    You only left your vehicle for a short period of time

    If a fee is required for a parking bay, then it is mandatory to pay it soon as your car is parked. Drivers must ensure they arrange money for ticket machines before they arrive. Quickly leaving your car to get change or use a toilet is not a valid reason for an appeal. Good Samaritan acts, while appreciated, are not valid reasons to appeal a parking infringement. Extreme circumstances will be reviewed individually when backed up by written documentation from the police or fire and emergency services.

    You could not find a parking bay, so you left your vehicle in a place you thought would have been alright

    In the City of Perth you can only park in designated parking areas.

  • What if my appeal is unsuccessful?

    If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your appeal to the City of Perth, you may be eligible to refer the matter to the City of Perth Ombudsman.

  • Taking an infringement matter to court
    The City of Perth requests that customers appeal an infringement directly to the City, prior to taking court action. 

    Should you wish to proceed and take the matter to court, please use the online Taking the matter to court form.