307 Murray Street Case Study | City of Perth
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307 Murray Street Perth

307 Murray Street Case Study

307 Murray St was one of 12 City of Perth heritage properties to successfully secure funding under the Heritage Conservation Grant round, approved by Council at the February 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting.

The former Faulding’s Building at 307 Murray St is of great significance to the Murray St streetscape. Constructed in 1898 and later expanded in 1906, the buildings are representative of the Federation warehouse style architecture which was popular for commercial buildings during the gold boom period.

With the support of a $25,000 Heritage Conservation Grant, Element Advisory oversaw major conservation works to the façade of the iconic building. 

Historical photos found in the heritage building’s Conservation Management Plan revealed the original façade was unpainted brickwork. Careful on-site investigations confirmed it was possible to reinstate the exposed brick feature to the façade, whilst ensuring no damage was done to the significant heritage fabric. 

The completed Heritage Conservation Grant project is an impressive outcome. The reinstated façade showcases the building's historical charm, and meticulously restored details honour its original function and architectural style.

In applying for the grant, Heritage Architect Kyra Lomas noted the “process was really straightforward. These kinds of works allow for the continued use of heritage buildings within the city and contribute to the aesthetic value of our streetscape”.

To hear more about the supported project, and to learn about the former Faulding’s Building, check out the video below.