Changes to our 202425 Sponsorship and Grants Program | City of Perth
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Changes to our 2024/25 Sponsorship and Grants Program

Our Sponsorship and Grants Program is changing in 2024/25, with funding for some of our popular programs increasing and a new program to help attract businesses to the City. 

The key highlights include: 

  • Increased funding for the Business Improvement Grant Program

The funding pool has increased $100,000 to $250,000. This is in line with the strong demand and willingness of our local businesses to undertake projects that improve the public realm and encourage people to visit and stay longer. Business Improvement Grant applications are open now until 2 May 2024.

  • Increased capacity of the Local Activation Grant Program

We’ve committed $500,000 to the Local Activation Grant Program – up from $450,000 last year. Plus applicants can apply for a maximum $20,000. The additional support ensures the Local Activation Grant is a great option for events and activations of all sizes. 

  • New Business Relocation Grant Program

This new grant has been designed to help medium-sized businesses to relocate to the city from around the metropolitan area. It will focus on attracting businesses to East Perth, with a particular focus on the eastern parts of Adelaide Terrace and Hay Street.

  • Increased support for use of City venues

A new $250,000 in-kind budget will fund approved requests for in-kind support across Event Sponsorship, Arts and Culture Sponsorship, and Economic Development Sponsorship. This will help stretch our cash budgets even further. 

To support this initiative, the definition of in-kind within Council Policy 4.3 Outgoing Sponsorship and Grants has been refined to provide greater clarity. The use of City facilities and bookings inclusive of hire of venues, parks, reserves, road reserves, thoroughfares, malls, streets, public places, banner and flag sites, and parking permits and on-street car parking bay reservations will be considered for in-kind support. All other City fees and charges are required to be paid for by the event holder.