Central Perth | City of Perth
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City of Perth

Central Perth


Humming with activity both day and night, a place of commerce and enterprise, culture and artistic endeavour, recreation and entertainment. It’s history reveals itself in its streets, open spaces and buildings - the beating heart of our state capital.

Neighbourhood priorities

  • Celebrating Whadjuk Noongar culture, more arts and cultural experiences, improving Hay and Murray Street Malls and activating heritage and vacant buildings.
  • More trees and shade to green the city, supporting business vitality and tourism, and improving amenities, such as accessible public toilets and change facilities.
  • Continuing community safety and support, and strengthening social and cultural outreach.
  • Continue to work with neighbourhood groups, residents and stakeholders to support activation, events and business vitality.

Neighbourhood Commitments

City Greening (Sustainable)

The ongoing implementation of the Urban Forrest Plan will see approximately 80 new street trees planted on Hay, Murray, Moore and Little Milligan Streets with the aim to ‘green’ our streetscapes, increase shade and amenity and make it more comfortable for pedestrians.

Summer in the City

City of Light events will be held at Elizabeth Quay and Langley Park, with an even bigger Christmas Light Trail.

The refresh will deliver new infrastructure such as power outlets, so more events and activities can happen, as well as new seating and tables, improved lighting and public art murals in the laneways of the mall, by local artists.

Heritage Adaptive Reuse Grants (Property)

Support for revitalisation and activation of vacant and underutilised spaces of heritage protected buildings with the city’s central business district, with a budget of $4M over 4 years.