Planning schemes | City of Perth
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Planning schemes

The City of Perth’s Local Planning Schemes are intended to control and guide land use and development within the City. They include provisions relating to a range of matters such as the use of land, the intensity and design of development, as well as the preservation and conservation of places and areas.


The Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 (the Regulations) include a set of deemed provisions that automatically apply to every local planning scheme within Western Australia, including the City’s local planning schemes. The latest version of the Regulations can be accessed from the State Government’s Parliamentary Council website. The Regulations shall be read in conjunction with the City’s local planning schemes to guide land use and development within the City.


The following local planning schemes are currently applicable within the City of Perth. These include:

  • City Planning Scheme No. 2 — this is the City's primary local planning scheme and covers the whole of the city with the exception of parts of Crawley and Nedlands which were transferred from the Cities of Subiaco and Nedlands to the City of Perth on 1 July 2016.
  • Minor Town Planning Schemes – these generally apply to individual development sites with the exception of Local Planning Scheme No. 26. LPS No. 26 applies to the the Normalised Redevelopment Area, which includes areas such as Claisebrook Village and New Northbridge, which have been transferred back to the City by Development WA.
  • City of Subiaco Town Planning Scheme No. 4 — this applies to the parts of Crawley and Nedlands which were transferred from the City of Subiaco to the City on 1 July 2016.
  • City of Nedlands Town Planning Scheme No. 2 — this applies to the part of Nedlands which was transferred from the City of Subiaco to the City on 1 July 2016.

City Planning Scheme No. 2

City Planning Scheme No. 2 (CPS 2) is the City of Perth’s primary local planning scheme and applies to the whole of the city with the exception of parts of Crawley and Nedlands which were transferred from the Cities of Subiaco and Nedlands to the City on the 1 July 2016. CPS 2 shall be read in conjunction with the Regulations.

CPS 2 consists of the Scheme Text, Deemed Provisions, Supplemental Provisions, Scheme Map, Plot Ratio Plan, Building Heights Plan, and a number of plans relating to bonus plot ratio.

CPS 2 provides for the creation of Precinct Plans and Planning Policies, which support and further guide decision making.

A number of Minor Town/Local Planning Schemes also apply to individual development sites across the city. These are complementary to CPS 2.

Disclaimer: This version of the City of Perth Planning Scheme No. 2 is not an official copy of the Scheme. While this and related scheme documents have been prepared in good faith and every effort has been made to ensure that it is accurate, neither the City of Perth, its elected members or its employees are liable for any damage or loss which may occur as a result of:

  • any action taken or not taken (as the case may be) in reliance upon this document; or
  • any statement, error or omission in this document.

Professional advice should be obtained before applying or relying upon this document in any particular circumstance.

Minor Town Planning Schemes

A number of Minor Town Planning Schemes apply to individual development sites across the city. These schemes complement and apply in addition to CPS 2 and have generally been prepared to enable the subdivision of larger lots, while ensuring a coordinated development.

Local Planning Scheme No. 26 is significant in that it includes planning provisions for the Normalised Redevelopment Areas, that is, the areas transferred back to the City of Perth from Development WA. It currently includes provisions for the Claisebrook Village and New Northbridge Project Areas.

The following Minor Town/Local Planning Schemes apply within the city:

City of Nedlands Town Planning Scheme No. 2

City of Nedlands Town Planning Scheme No. 2 (TPS 2) applies to the part of Nedlands which were transferred from the City of Nedlands to the City of Perth on the 1 July 2016.

For the purposes of application within the City of Perth, any references to the City of Nedlands within TPS 2 is taken to be a reference to the City of Perth.

It should be noted that the version of TPS 2 applicable within the City of Perth is that version which was applicable as at the 1 July 2016. Any amendments made to TPS 2 by the City of Nedlands post 1 July 2016 do not apply within the City of Perth.

TPS 2 should be read in conjunction with the Deemed Provisions included within the Regulations (refer to the link to the latest versions of the Regulations above).

TPS 2 consists of the Scheme Text, Scheme Map and the Deemed Provisions.

TPS 2 provides for the creation of Planning Policies and Planning Registers and Lists to further guide decision making.


City of Subiaco Town Planning Scheme No. 4

City of Subiaco Town Planning Scheme No. 4 (TPS 4) applies to the parts of Crawley and Nedlands which were transferred from the City of Subiaco to the City of Perth on the 1 July 2016.

For the purposes of application within the City of Perth, any references to the City of Subiaco within TPS 4 is taken to be a reference to the City of Perth.

It should be noted that the version of TPS 4 applicable within the City of Perth is that version which was applicable as at the 1 July 2016. Any amendments made to TPS 4 by the City of Subiaco post 1 July 2016 do not apply within the City of Perth.

TPS 4 should be read in conjunction with the Regulations.

TPS 4 consists of the Scheme Text, Scheme Map and the Deemed Provisions.

TPS 4 provides for the creation of Precinct Plans, Planning Policies and Planning Registers and Lists, which support and further guide decision making.

Planning Scheme Amendments

The City of Perth may resolve to amend its local planning scheme to bring it into line with:

  • Strategic objectives
  • The needs of the community
  • State Government legislation and policies.

Amendments may also be made to clarify and simplify planning provisions and provide for flexibility where appropriate.

The process for amending a local planning scheme is set out in State Government’s Planning and Development Act 2005 and the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 and varies according to the nature of the amendment and whether it is classified as basic, standard or complex. Both standard and complex amendments are required to be advertised for community feedback and all amendments are ultimately required to be approved by both the local and State Government.

Council Policy 3.5 - Initiation of Local Planning Scheme Amendments is a Council Policy that guides all scheme amendments, ahead of a new Local Planning Scheme.

The Policy will apply for Scheme Amendment requests while Local Planning Scheme No.3 is being finalised. The City will review the effectiveness of the Policy in February 2025. The City requests all applicants consider whether proposal meet the provisions of the Policy prior to approaching the City to request initiation of an Amendment. The City welcomes and encourages early engagement to provide preliminary advice and progress proposals.

Amendments which are out for public comment, awaiting finalisation and which have been finalised are outlined below.

Amendment No. 52 to City Planning Scheme No. 2

Amendment No.52 to City Planning Scheme No.2 (CPS 2) introduces a Special Control Area (SCA) over the subject land to allow the site to be treated as one for the purposes of allocating plot ratio and tenant car parking. The SCA will also increase the base plot ratio for the subject site from 2:1 to 4:1 for Residential and Special Residential land use groups. The base plot ratio of 1.33:1 for all other use groups will remain unchanged. 

The final outcomes of consultation were considered and approved by Council at its Ordinary Meeting on 29 October 2024. The Amendment has been forwarded to the Western Australian Planning Commission for final determination by the Minister for Planning.

Documents outlining the details of the Scheme Amendment can be accessed at Engage Perth.  

Amendment No. 41 - Proposed Northbridge Special Entertainment Precinct

Amendment No. 41 is intended to establish Northbridge as the State’s first Special Entertainment Precinct. The key elements of Amendment No. 41 include:

  • Defining a Core and Frame Entertainment Area;
  • Identifying maximum noise levels for entertainment venues for attenuation purposes; and
  • Setting noise attenuation requirements for new noise sensitive development and new entertainment venues.

The community consultation period for the Amendment No. 41 closed on 26 February 2021. At its meeting held on 13 December 2022, Council resolved to approve Amendment No. 41 to City Planning Scheme No.2, subject to modifications to respond to submissions received.
The modifications to the scheme amendment are summarised below:

  • Amending the maximum noise levels for existing entertainment venues in the core area to 95dB;
  • Creation of a new register that captures the existing venues;
  • Change of the boundary of the Core area to include the eastern portion of the Court Hotel and the property known as the Perth Mess Hall; and
  • Inclusion of Build-to-Rent within the definition of the Special Residential land use and inclusion of a corresponding maximum internal music noise level of 50dB for the bedrooms.

The amendment has been forwarded to the Western Australian Planning Commission for the Minister for Planning’s approval before gazettal into the City of Perth CPS 2.

A copy of the Ordinary Council Meeting  minutes, agenda, and scheme amendment report are available for view on the City’s website.


Recently finalised 

A complete list of finalised amendments can be found here.

Review of Local Planning Schemes

The City of Perth reviewed its local planning schemes in 2018 in accordance with the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 (Regulations).

Following consideration by Council, the Western Australian Planning Commission (Commission) advised that it agrees with to the City of Perth for the review of its local planning framework.

On the 13 December 2022, the Council adopted the Local Planning Strategy (Strategy) which provides strategic guidance for the development of the new local planning scheme. The Strategy was endorsed by the Commission in May 2023.

On 30 April 2024, Council approved the draft Local Planning Scheme No. 3 (LPS3) for advertising. The purpose of LPS3 is to implement the Strategy, consolidate the City’s schemes into one scheme and align with the Regulations.

The draft LPS3 has been forwarded to the Commission for the Minister for Planning’s approval for advertising. 

For further information, please see: