Building legislation | City of Perth
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Building legislation

The commencement of the Building Act 2011 on 2 April 2012 introduced a new building approval process for Western Australia. This involved some significant changes to the building approval process, from the design stage right through to occupation of a building.

The Building Act and Building Regulations 2012 replace the Building Regulations 1989 and much of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960, amending a range of associated acts.

The key objectives of the new act are:

  • To provide a comprehensive system of building control in Western Australia.
  • Reduce building approval times.
  • Set standards for buildings and demolition work in Western Australia.
  • Deal with building or demolition works that affects other land.

Design standards for development within the city

A guide to the detailed design, construction and maintenance of the City's public open spaces.

What are the design and construction notes?

These notes have been developed by the City of Perth as a guide to the detailed design, construction and maintenance of the City's public open spaces. The technical notes are based on the City's experience and local knowledge of urban design practices. 

These issues have become increasingly important with a greater emphasis being placed on the quality of the urban environment. In addition, it has become necessary to document current best practices given the increasing number of participants involved in design and construction of public spaces in Perth.

The design and construction notes are subject to constant review and the addition of new notes. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the most current guidelines are being followed.

Design and construction notes